over 4 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Early supply drop-off reminder
‼️ Meet-the-Teacher & Early Supply Drop-off Info!
over 4 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Meet the Teacher & Early Supply Drop-off Information
‼️Important information regarding enrollment day procedures!
over 4 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Enrollment Day Procedures
‼️ Registration Information for the 2020-2021 School Year
over 4 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Registration Information for the upcoming school year. July 27 & 28
‼️Final Grab & Go‼️
almost 5 years ago, Libby Elementary
Final Grab & Go - Date & Time
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Summer Send-Off Information
It's Walking Wednesday! Try the STEP challenge in the video below. How many steps, step ups on a bench or stairs can you do in 30 seconds? Grab some H2O and try again- try to beat your previous score! #TheLibbyWay #BeTheLight
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
👩‍⚕️It’s National Nurse’s Day, and we want to celebrate our very own scrub-wearing hero! ❤️THANK YOU, Mrs. Deason!!!❤️ You are kind and compassionate, and you are always there to offer comfort and care (....and bandaids 🩹....and ice packs 🧊) when they are needed. THANK YOU for all that you do for our students and our staff! We would be lost without you! #BeTheLight #TheLibbyWay
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Nurse Deason
📣📣 If any parent needs to pick up their child's medication from our nurse, please email Mrs. Deason, at, or call the Libby office to make arrangements for pick up. ❗️Parents will need to show ID to the nurse when picking up the medication. If a parent is not able to come, he/she must email the nurse and provide the name of the person who will be picking up the medication. That person will need to show ID to the nurse in order to pick up the medication.
almost 5 years ago, Libby Elementary
We could not let this Friday come to a close without wishing a Happy National School Principals’ Day to Libby’s fearless leaders, Staci Davis & Lee Berry! The Libby staff would like to THANK YOU for all that you do for us and our school! ❤️ Your guidance has motivated us to push through these uncertain times with 4th QUARTER strength! #BeTheLight #TheLibbyWay
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Lee Berry and Staci Davis
Today is the first day of MOVEMENT MAY! Try these moves: Hug your knees to your chest one at a time while standing. Slowly lunge side to side. How small can you make yourself? Watch the video at the link below for more stretches.
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
See the picture below for our final distribution schedule for instructional packets.
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Final Distribution Schedule - Instructional Packets
A message from the Counselor's office: Managing Corona Virus Anxiety. Thank you for sharing, Mrs. Shelton!
almost 5 years ago, Libby Elementary
A Message from the Counselor's Office
Per the executive order given by Governor Abbott on April 17, Carthage ISD will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. At-Home Learning and food service will continue to be provided the remainder of the year. Stay tuned for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Libby Elementary
Per the executive order given by Governor Abbott on March 31, Carthage ISD will remain closed until Monday, May 4. Please stay tuned for additional information and updates.
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
!!Please refer to the attachment for important information regarding educational packets!! **This will NOT affect grab-and-go meals! Those days/times and the pickup location will remain the same.
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Dominguez
Educational Packet Information
Grab-and Go meals will begin on Monday, March 23, from 9:00-11:00 AM, at Libby Elementary ONLY. Meals may also be delivered via normal bus routes from 9:00-11:00 AM. Email for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Libby Elementary